Beginning of the virtual exhibition: November 7, 10 a.m., Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5)
For this 15th edition, the Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle presented its International Digital Miniprint Exhibition virtually.
All artwork was posted on Facebook, Instagram and the Voix Visuelle website. The public was invited to vote for their favourite artwork, on Facebook or Instagram, Three cash prizes as well as two honourable mentions, were presented to the artists whose work received the most “I like” mentions.
Three prizes and two mentions were awarded:
1st prize (Voix Visuelle prize) to O. Petca, Romania, for Cyberpunk;
2nd prize (Desjardins prize) to E. Montenegro, Canada, for Photowork001;
3rd prize (Marcil Lavallée Prize) to O. Golub, Ukraine, for Keys;
Honorable mention to J. Bertrand, Canada, for Les fantômes veillent sur nous;
Honorable mention to R. Aubin, Canada for Réseau neuronal.
Curated by Katy Le Van, the exhibition featured works from Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Ukraine which explore the topic of artificial intelligence (AI) from several angles.
Looking at these works, we realize that AI allows artists to, among other things, rework their own works or to enrich them. With the help of computer codes, they can create new images, often at random, to the point of losing control of the creative process. In the artistic world, questions could arise, to know if artists must necessarily be the only masters of the result.
In our daily lives, AI is also a worrying issue. Facial recognition seems to be becoming a huge asset for governments, while the majority of the population prefers to remain anonymous. In support of thought, we try to make a connection between our brains and the computer. Could a machine ever equal human beings? What world does AI destine us for? On the one hand, the future looks bright if AI can ensure our survival, but also dangerous if human development is not fostered.
In the gallery below, work is identified by the artists’ names. For the titles of the pieces, please see the list following the gallery.
- J. Aird-Bélanger 1
- J. Aird-Bélanger 2
- A. Asselin
- R. Aubin 1
- R. Aubin 2
- M. Barti
- J. Bertrand
- B. Bogart
- R. Chevalier 1
- R. Chevalier 2
- C. Boucher 1
- C. Boucher 2
- C. Cooper
- P. Csaba 1
- P. Csaba 2
- L. Daigle 1
- L. Daigle 2
- C. Dallaire
- M. Des Aulniers 1
- M. Des Aulniers 2
- A. Dworzak-Subocz
- K. Dimtch
- L. Finet 1
- L. Finet 2
- P. Franzini 1
- P. Franzini 2
- C. Gendron
- D. Gérin 1
- D. Gérin 2
- V. Goddard
- O. Golub 1
- O. Golub 2
- F. Ikonomidou
- R. Kempen 1
- R. Kempen 2
- I. Kobayashi 1
- I. Kobayashi 2
- D. Lamontagne 1
- D. Lamontagne 2
- M.-P. Le Bohec
- D. Leclerc
- M. Manu 1
- M. Manu 2
- M. Marquez 1
- M. Marquez 2
- E. Montenegro
- J. Muscat
- A. Paquin 1
- A. Paquin 2
- M. Périat 1
- M. Périat 2
- O. Petca 1
- O. Petca 2
- Y. Porlier 1
- Y. Porlier 2
- H. Pouillon 1
- H. Pouillon 2
- N. Ross 1
- N. Ross 2
- R. Robesco
- S. Swinimer 1
- S. Swinimer 2
- R. Stanoev 1
- R. Stanoev 2
- V. Tytor
- G. Vallee
- J. M. Van Hees 1
- J. M. Van Hees 2
- P. Walty
Work shown:
Exocortex 1 | Exocortex 2 | |
A. Asselin, Canada | La Création |
R. Aubin, Canada | Réseau neuronal | Données personnelles |
M. Barti, Hungary | Connecting II |
J. Bertrand, Canada | Les fantômes veillent sur nous |
B. Bogart, Canada | Zombie Formalist №388 (Twitter Selection) |
C. Boucher, Canada | Perspective | Expectation |
P. Csaba, Hungary | Machine Man 02 | Machine Man 03 |
R. Chevalier, Canada | Doxa | Doxa ll |
C. Cooper, Canada | Who’s watching you |
L. Daigle, Canada | Humanoïde | Renaissance |
C. Dallaire, Canada | Menu ADN Hologramme |
M. Des Aulniers, Canada | |
K. Dimtch, Canada | A I’mmortal avatar-stillfantasy 2 |
New space I | |
L. Finet, Canada | Sans Algorithme | Mon Algorithme |
P. Franzini, Canada | AI R US I | AI R US II |
C. Gendron, Canada | Éperdue |
D. Gérin, Canada | À la recherche d’un signe de vie | Signe de vie |
V. Goddard, Canada | L’IA et les artistes s’écoutent |
O. Golub, Ukraine | Keys | Device Romanticism |
F. Ikonomidou, Greece | Future Memories |
Facial Recognition System | Eye Recognition System | |
I. Kobayashi, Japan | Contact | Fusion |
D. Lamontagne, Canada | Singularité technologique de la créativité | idem pensée |
M. Le Bohec, France | Civilisation nouvelle |
D. Leclerc, Canada | La séduction d’IA |
M. Manu, India | No Space for Love | Trapped in the Web World |
M. Márquez, Canada | La servitude guidant le peuple 1 | idem 2 |
E. Montenegro, Canada | Photowork001 |
J. Muscat, Canada | Allumer, éteindre |
A. Paquin, Canada | Jeu de figures | Journal intime |
M. Périat, Canada | Deep Learning… Sensoriel 1 | idem 2 |
O. Petca, Romania | Cyberpunk | Deus Ex Machina |
Y. Porlier, Canada | Manipulation Génétique Artificielle Modifiée Intelligemment (MGAMI) | Poussière génomique |
H. Pouillon, Belgium | Le sourire de Foucault 1: surveiller | idem 2: et punir |
R. Robesco, Canada | Subséquence numéro 2 |
N. Ross, Canada | Dérapages à contrôler | Travaux de haute couture |
R. Stanoev, Bulgaria | Saturation Point | Sketch Rothbart, Swan lake |
S. Swinimer, Canada | Human Watch | Scronkfinkle |
V. Tytor, Canada | Artificial Intelligence and Human Displacement 1 |
G. Vallée, Canada | Décalage dans l’univers de l’intelligence artificielle |
Spins in My Head 1 | Spins in My Head 2 | |
P. Walty, Canada | By the Skin of Our Teeth |
Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage, the City of Ottawa, AGAVF, Marcil Lavallée and the Caisse Desjardins Ontario for their support.