From May 30 to July 9, 2024, the Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle will host the 11th edition of the exhibition Voix Jeunes Talents: génération visuelle, curated this year by Mathilde Guérin Guillermo.

The opening of the exhibit will be held on Thursday, May 30, at 5 p.m.

Voix Jeunes Talents: génération visuelle

“The TV screen is the retina of the mind’s eye. (…) Therefore, whatever appears on the television screen emerges as raw experience for those who watch it. Therefore, television is reality, and reality is less than television.” Brian O’Blivion (Jack Creley), Videodrome, Cronenberg (1984)

What if visual art were the retina of the third eye, of our mind?

When David Cronenberg directed his organic horror film Videodrome (1984), he staged his anxieties that feel contemporary: what if digital identity became our own? Isn’t it already?

Questioning human being’s technological future, he argues that the screen is the retina of the mind’s eye, our own, creating a new layer of reality that replaces reality itself. In a sociological aspect, the omnipresence of the media in our lives is a producer of loneliness, even a vector of alienation.

However, it is by the creation of other narratives born of a reflection of the digital, mixed with the artistic, that the renewal of narrative and representational spaces takes place. This renewal is that of a generation born into the digital age, evolving in tandem with it. Some consider this interdisciplinarity obscene. But what if, on the contrary, this union of digital and artistic allowed us to revel in this obscenity by restoring our share of humanity? Faced with the visual we see not only our inner selves, but also a part of our thoughts in a society raised from the cradle by screens.

Wouldn’t reappropriating these digital codes be a way of fleshing out our contemporary feelings, bringing them to life by creating a collective catharsis? This new generation of artists is exploring our own digital becoming, or at least uses its tools to better create.

Mathilde Guérin Guillermo, curator

The Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage, the City of Ottawa, AGAVF, Marcil Lavallée and Desjardins Ontario for their support.

Participating artists:

B. Armstrong | M. Back | R. Bergeron | A. Bigras | D. Blake | L. Boden | N. Bourouaha
J. Brazeau | E. Breedon | L. Bret | C. Burrows | G. Charbonneau | S. Clermont
A. Cousineau | B. Cyr Nadon | F. Dion | M. Dobler | M. Fournier | K. Gillet-Evraire
S. Green | L. Henry | K. Huggins | S. Jaouen-Steffener | A. Johnson | M-P. Kostenbauer
B. Kreuser | E. Labelle | J. Laflamme | S. Lamour | L. Lapointe | L-M. Leduc | K. Levesque
J. Mackie | E. Martin | E. Maxwell | E. Melo | D. Men | L. Michaels | C. Morales
A. Ntabuhungiro | Z. Pacheco | A. Pelletier | I. Plante-Moncur | E. Prémont | G. Rapsey
C. Richard | A. Richer | E. Sarazin | J-B. Soucie | T. Stiebert | B-F. Thiam | S. Thibodeau
M. Tocchi | Z. Wiens-Chetelat

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