International Digital Miniprint Exhibition 19


This call for submission is finished. 

Déviations cartographiques
“Il n’est frontière qu’on n’outrepasse.” (There’s no boundary we can’t cross.)
-Édouard Glissant

At the heart of landscapes lies a territory that we have marked out with our hands, by maps. Imbued with paradoxes, passions and ideologies, these maps have always attempted to give concrete form to the abstract thinking of our world. They tell subjective stories of curiosity and often domination.

Today the Anthropocene forces us to collectively rethink the way we live on Earth. What if, together, we took the time to interest ourselves in cartographies originating from decolonial and ecofeminist thinking, which bring to the fore alternative discourses often silenced or marginalized?

Yet humanity has changed its pace, posture and tone. The scientific passions of the great discoveries of past centuries have given way to the need to understand our own position confronted with environmental and humanistic crises. We need to accept that we are much more lost than we thought. This raises an essential question: how do we situate ourselves in space today? What if we started by changing scale?

Precise knowledge of our territory is not enough to ease our relationship with the world. Where the known banishes all adventure, where maps, GPS and other navigational techniques mark a path where mistakes are impossible, artists are invited to reintroduce the uncertainty of the route, the lines of movement, the singularity of the territory’s uses and the impressions left in memory, questioning, for example, the true nature of borders.

Thus, while the geographer relies on tangible data, the artist, freed from the constraints of accuracy, can decipher cartographic lines and negotiate their meaning. The artist’s work reveals not only lived or dreamed narratives seen from different angles, but also the flows of ideas that have traversed the history of art. This exhibition therefore invites us to reflect on the power of the images conveyed by maps, these representations that mould our imaginations of spaces and their outlines.

Here, detours are suggested.

Dyana Ouvrard, curator

Déviations cartographiques invites artists to explore and reinterpret the notion of cartography, scale and relationship to territory through their digital prints, while simultaneously evoking the contemporary issues of the Anthropocene, decolonization and ecofeminist perspectives.

Please note that these regulations have been modified with respect to previous years.

All professional artists from all countries can participate on the theme “Map Deviations.” This theme was chosen by the curator Dyana Ouvrard and is developed above.

The regulations for participation are explained in the FAQ below.

The submission must contain the following:

  1. The registration form duly completed. Download the Entry Form in DOC format.
  2. One or two digital images in JPEG format measuring maximum 8 in x 10 in or 10 in x 8 in @ 300 dpi.
  3. Each image must be identified by a number, the name of the artist and the title of the work. Example: 1-Artist-Title.JPEG
  4. Proof of the payment of CAD 30 by PayPal.
  5. Send your submission by email only, to [email protected], no later than August 15, 2024 (the gallery does not accept submission by mail).
  6. Please indicate if you have used artificial intelligence in the creation of your work.

Submission must be received by email:
By August 15, 2024, at the latest

Notification of participants:
In October, the notification will be posted on the Voix Visuelle website

Jury deliberations for the prize:
Beginning of November, 2024

Exhibition on the gallery wall or virtual :
November 2 to December 10, 2024

Vernissage or online opening:
Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 5 p.m.

Who are the organizers of the International Digital Miniprint Exhibition?
This exhibition is organized by Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

What is an original digital print?
According to fr.wikipedia, the designation “estampe numérique” (digital print) refers to works where the computer is the principal design tool, used to create a matrix of digital data. A digital printer, generally ink jet, is then used to print the matrix on various media.

What formats are accepted by the International Digital Miniprint Exhibition?
The image must not be bigger than 20 cm by 25 cm or 25 cm by 20 cm (8 in x 10 in or 10 in x 8 in).

How many images can an artist participant submit?
An artist can submit one or two images.

How much does it cost to participate?
The entry fee is CAD 30, which must be paid by PayPal.

Who prints the artwork?
Voix Visuelle will print the artwork on photo paper in the case of an exhibition in the space of the gallery.

How will the artwork be selected for the exhibition?
The selection will be made by the curator of the exhibition.

How will the prizes be awarded?
The prizes and the mentions will be determined by an independent jury of peers.

What are the values of the prizes?
The first prize is a sum of CAD 300, the second, a sum of CAD 200, and the third, a sum of CAD 100.

Is it true that an artist can donate his or her print to Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle?
Yes, accepted works may be donated to the Centre for fundraising purposes.

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