November 8 to December 9, 2014
International Digital Miniprint Exhibition 9
Enduring Folds
François Chalifour, curator
Seen by many as obsolete and ancient, the draped fabric issue – for which the Ancient Greeks developed a code – finds nevertheless its place in contemporary digital art. Indeed, digital art is based on structures found in some of the most ancient artistic patterns of art history, like those of draped fabric.
Artists of this exhibition, from Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine and the United States, explore the draped fabric issue as a subject, a vehicle and a material.
This year, Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle is very proud to collaborate for the first time with MET gallery, based in Budapest. With this project, artwork from this exhibition will be projected onto the screen of the MET gallery. The goal of the project is to present this exhibition in a different medium than onto the walls of Voix Visuelle.
Six prizes were awarded:
1st prize (Desjardins Prize) to André Paquin, Canada, for Coulée sèche;
2nd prize (Voix Visuelle prize) to Raymond Aubin, Canada, for Plis synclinaux;
3rd prize (Marcil Lavallée prize) to Izabella Retkowska, Poland, for Error[1625];
Honorable mention to Henry Pouillon, Belgium for L’oreillette cassée-verso;
Also included in the gallery below are the work of:
Olena Golob, Ukraine, Shot up folds
Isao Kobayashi, Japan, The place where the memory returns No. 96
Nathalie Ampleman, Canada, Filsbleus
Thom O’Connor, USA, The Cloth III
David Westrop, Canada, History Unfolding – Act I Scene IV
- André Paquin
- Raymond Aubin
- Izabella Retkowska
- Henry Pouillon
- Olena Golub
- Isao Kobayashi
- Nathalie Ampleman
- Thom O’Connor
- David Westrop
The complete list of artists, as well as the curator’s text
The Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage, the City of Ottawa and the Caisses populaires Rideau-Vision and Trillium of Ottawa for their support.
September 20 to October 21, 2014
Digital Pinhole Triennial, 2nd edition
André Paquin, curator
Participating artists: Doris Lamontagne | Eva Aurich | Frances Caswell Routhier | Geoffrey Gurd | Gilles Masse | Guy Glorieux | Guy Lafontaine | Izabel Barsive | Jadikan | Jocelyne Bélanger | Johanne Lafrenière | Joseph Muscat | Lluís Ivern | Lorraine St-Arnaud | Michel Claverie | Paul Walty | Renée Chevalier
Curated by André Paquin, Memory of Light shows the work of seventeen artists who took pictures using a modern pinhole camera. This pinhole camera is built from an interchangeable lens digital camera to which the lens is taken off and replaced with a piece of black cardboard or the body cap with a small hole in it. This hole lets light pass through without distortion, optical aberration, or focus.
The images resulting from this technique are blurred and imprecise, since the exposure time is relatively long. But because the light that touches the sensitive surface travels in straight lines, the image is pure and contains no deformation. Thus is created a durable and true representation of an ephemeral reality.
- Doris Lamontagne
- Gilles Masse
- Johanne Lafrenière
- Joseph Muscat
- Lorraine St-Arnaud
- Michel Claverie
Doris Lamontagne, Repos dominical
Gilles Masse, Transfert
Johanne Lafrenière, Trou noir
Joseph Muscat, Point de vue 4
Lorraine St-Arnaud, Plage
Michel Claverie, Une jeunesse allemande
Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario arts Council, Canadian Heritage, the City of Ottawa and the Caisses populaires Desjardins for their support.
June 12, 2014
Génération Visuelle
This event showcased, for an evening, the talent and creativity of fourteen regional emerging artists and students: Marissa Margaret Baumeister; Alex Behne; Chloé Carrière; Jordan Clayton; Emilie Gervais; Adam Godard; Kimberly Janveau; Philippe Lachance; Erin Emma Lee; Shelby Lisk; Sara Mailhot; Carina Profir; Annie Taylor; Maeghan Waters. With an electro musical ambiance thanks to French musical guest Collectif Boussole, the evening put the spotlight on tomorrow’s talent.
Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Community Foundation of Ottawa, the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage and the City of Ottawa for their support.
May 10 to June 10, 2014
Suzanne Joos
The artist questions the notion of territory by disorganising and distorting maps. From them, she creates spaces with no specific focal point and illegible topographies, questioning the limit between the abstract and the figurative, and creating her own glossary of scriptural and pictorial signs. The blurred maps are disorienting to the viewer and refer to an imaginary space as well as the process behind their creation.
Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage and the City of Ottawa for their support.
March 8 to April 8, 2014
Andrzej Maciejewski | Stéphanie Morissette
Weather Report | Vide?
Weather, by Andrzej Maciejewski, is a series of 24 photographs of the same place in different weather conditions. The photographs were taken over the period of one year with a walk-in Camera Obscura constructed by the artist. The project tries to capture the elusive phenomenon of weather.
Vide?, by Stéphanie Morissette, consists of video and photo images showing a character trying to fish a resource that does not exist anymore with big hooks. The images were taken in Montreal, in Gaspésie and in Varennes and attempt to remind us of the exploitation and depletion of our natural resources.
- A.M. – Weather Report #3
- A.M. – Weather Report #20
- A.M. – Weather Report #37
- S.M. – Vide neige
- S.M. – Vide video
- S.M. – Vide video
Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage and the City of Ottawa for their support.
January 18 to February 18, 2014
Thérèse Guy
Les mécanismes trompeurs
With this project, the artist examines the contiguity between photography and new imaging technologies. She gets her inspiration from the news that inform us of the state of the world and make us assimilate the information from all sources. What can be done with all the images thrown at the world day after day on the screen? With the help of her computer, the artist creates large format digital works that carry signs and shapes through which multiple realities exist.
Voix Visuelle would like to thank the Ontario Arts Council, Canadian Heritage and the City of Ottawa for their support.