Theme : Digital STRUCTURE
Participating Artists: Viviane Archambault-Lavigne | Robert Arnold | Isabelle Beraut | Berko | Suzanne Blouin | Valérie Boivin | Cécile Boucher | Myrna Brooks Bercovitch | Yvette Cenerini | Renée Chevalier | Micheline Couture | Pál Csaba | László Csízy | Lukasz Cywicki | Lillianne Daigle | Céline J. Dallaire | Michèle DeBellefeuille | Pawel Delekta | Claudette Delisle Menier | Maryse Des Aulniers | Dominique Desbiens | Krasi (Krasimira) Dimtch (Dimtchevska) | Richard Doutre | Gracia Dubé | Lisette Duquette | Paula Franzini | Louis Godbout | Jose Roberto Godoy | Olena Golub | John Graham | Saeko Hanji | Julianna Joos | József Kántor | René Kempen | Snežana Kezele | Isao Kobayashi | Helene Lacelle | Doris Lamontagne | Denis Leclerc | Claire Lemay | Kinichi Maki | Alexandre Ménard | Louise Mercure | Yoshiaki Murakami | Joseph Muscat | Monika Pałka | Jessie Parker | Galina Pavlova | Ovidiu Petca | Izabella Retkowska | Agnès Riverin | Richard Robesco | Anne Roulant and Gilles Guillaume | Jozina Marina Van Hees | Benjamin Vasserman | Joyce Westrop | Mohamed Zakaria Soltan
Long before the arrival of photography, humans wanted to document the various geometric shapes that surround them by using mathematical calculations, as well as artistic representations, in paintings or drawings. True to their perception, the Florentine painters were the first to use the camera obscura to achieve a fairer representation, in two dimensions, of cathedrals, monuments and bridges.
Following the discovery of the latent image* which could finally be affixed to its support, photography replaced painting. If architectural painting was then released from solely representing reality, would this then apply to structural photography? Be it a building, a sculpture or a bridge, humans often feel the need to represent reality. Are we still required to obtain a tangible representation of reality? Will the artist be able to rid themselves of pre-established concepts surrounding structural representation?
Creating digital miniprints, the artist has no templates or rules that govern them. Freely and at will, they can use data, measurements and shapes to create without any required logic. Like the painter, the artist in digital arts may detach themselves from their predecessors and forego the art of imitation to create their own digital STRUCTURE.
* [Wikipedia] a latent image is an invisible image produced by the exposure to light of a photosensitive material such as photographic film. When photographic film is developed, the area that was exposed darkens and forms a visible image.
— Alex Leblanc, Curator