Call to Artists — International digital art miniprint exhibition 12

This call to artists is no longer current.

Title/Theme: I babble, therefore I am
Walter Benjamin foresaw it 80 years ago. Andy Warhol put it in practice 50 years ago. More recently contemporary art philosopher Yves Michaud described it in these terms: “As for producers, artists, artisans, and curators, the point is not to show masterpieces but to leave one’s mark, to be recognized, and to endure, including, as often, through the fiction of a redesigned and forged identity.”

It is the triumph of aestheticism.

The 12th International Digital Miniprint Exhibition invites artists to aestheticize their personal and ordinary life, to create an Instagram of digital images, and to convey the astonishing beauty of meaningless stuff. Subjects abound: selfies, daily life in its utmost banality, the superficiality of personal histories, the sensation of spectacular odysseys, and the kitsch of familiar objects. The perspective will be serious or ironic, polished or sketched, plainly factual or strangely imaginary. The key, always and everywhere, is to push oneself forward and blow one’s horn.

Raymond Aubin, curator


All professional artists from all countries can participate on the theme “I babble, therefore I am.” This theme was chosen by the curator Raymond Aubin and is developed above.

Download the Entry Form in pdf format (must be printed and filled out by hand) or doc format (can be filled out on a computer once downloaded).

The regulations for participation are explained in the FAQ below. Please note that these regulations have been modified with respect to previous years.

Each print should be accompanied by an identification form (see page 3 of the Entry Form) indicating:

  • the artist’s last name and first name;
  • the artist’s country of residency;
  • the title of the work;
  • the year of its creation.

Prints must be received by August 15, 2017.

Each entry must include following four items:

  1. A duly completed and printed Entry Form;
  2. A duly completed and printed Identification Form for each print submitted;
  3. The submitted prints themselves;
  4. A CD-ROM with the following
    1. A digital version of the prints with a definition of 300 dpi in a high quality JPEG format
    2. The filled-in Entry Form, including the filled-in Identification Forms for each print submitted

Each entry should be sent to:
Voix Visuelle
262 Montreal Road
C.P. 79023 VANIER RO

Each package should be marked:
« Imprimé sans valeur marchande/Printed Matter with No Commercial Value »
« Ne pas plier/Do Not Fold »

Works must be received:
By August 15, 2017 at the latest;

Notification of participants:
In October 2017 (posted on website);

Jury deliberations:
Beginning of November 2017;

November 2 to December 2, 2017

Thursday, November 2, 2017 at 5:00 p.m.

Return of works to artists:
Before the end of March 2018.

Who are the organizers of the International Digital Art Miniprint Exhibition?
This exhibition is organized by Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

What is an original digital print?
According to fr.wikipedia, the designation “estampe numérique” (digital print) refers to works where the computer is the principal design tool, used to create a matrix of digital data. An digital printer, generally ink jet, is then used to print the matrix on various media.

Which printing media are accepted by the International Digital Art Miniprint Exhibition?
Only paper printing media is accepted. The weight of the paper must be between 200 and 500 g/m2.

Can the paper media of an original digital print be modified (by collage, folding, cutting, etc.) once the print has been made?
No. All modifications must be made by computer on the matrix before printing.

What formats are accepted by International Digital Art Miniprint Exhibition?Paper must measure 20 by 25 cm or 25 by 20 cm (8 x 10 or 10 x 8 inches). The image printed on the sheet can be of any size.

Can the print be mounted on rigid panels?
No. Only non-mounted prints are accepted.

How do prints need to be identified?
Each print must bear on its back the identification form.

How will the prints be hung?
The prints will be secured on the walls using magnets.

How many prints can an artist participant submit?
An artist can submit one or two prints.

What are the participation fees?
There are no participation fees. However, the cost of shipping the prints to the gallery is incurred by the participants.

Will an acknowledgement of receipt be sent to the participants?
No. However, artists can choose to use registered mail to send their prints.

Will the submitted prints be insured?
Prints are insured for a limited amount during the time they are in the hands of the organizers. The organizers are not responsible for the prints during shipping, incoming or outgoing. All prints submitted will be returned at the expense of the organizers within 3 months of the end of the exhibition, except for those which will have been donated to the Centre.

How will the prints be selected for the exhibition?
The selection will be made by the curator of the exhibition.

How will the prizes be awarded?
The prizes and the mentions will be determined by an independent jury of peers.

What is the value of the prizes?
The first prize is a sum of C$300, the second, a sum of C$200, and the third, a sum of C$100.

Is it true that an artist can donate his or her print to Le Centre d’artistes Voix Visuelle?
Artists can give one or two of their prints in the exhibition for a fund raising activity.

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